
At our 8/2 meeting, we really got down to nuts and bolts regarding the many campaigns and projects that different folks have suggested over the past few months. We spent most of the time reviewing and discussing the various specific tasks folks need to do to help get these projects rolling. Below I've pasted a the short outline of the three broad areas of work and the different projects related to each area followed by the list of tasks for each project.

Many additional ideas and tasks were generated during the discussion which have not yet been added to this list. I'm posting the original so folks who couldn't attend can see what we discussed. Some of it may seem cryptic as it's somewhat abbreviated in places. Don't hesitate to email me directly or call me at 249-9699 if you need some clarification or have specific questions.

Feel free to post comments about the list for all to read if you like. We're counting on everyone to pick out bits they're willing to work on so please read the list with that in mind. If you want to volunteer to work on particular parts right away, post a comment or email me directly. Otherwise, many of you will likely recieve a call or email asking for your help on some part of all this stuff.

Thanks in advance for your time and efforts!

Here's the short outline:


Expanding Homegrown School Lunch/School Gardens/Agriculture Ed in Schools

Voit Farm
-Video documentary on history of Voit Farm
-Develop vision and map of future development

West Waubesa Preservation Committee Northeast Neighborhood Campaign

East Main Gardens expansion
-Soil testing
-Survey on block and planning

Survey of local greenspace and other agriculture related resources


No More Dirty Coal
-Close UW dirty coal plants
-Pass WI Safe Climate Act
-Moratorium on new coal plants in WI
-Renewable wood pellet power from WI forests

Powerdown Transition Plans
-No new power lines
-City and County transition plans
-City wide conservation
-Distributed generation at schools, community centers, local businesses


Education and Outreach
-Monthly Meet up and video showing
-Work team meetings
-Student and Youth recruitment
-General outreach and publicity

Here are the lists of tasks related to each project:

Expanding Homegrown School Lunch/School Gardens/Agriculture Ed in Schools

-Contact REAP, Community Action Coalition, Troy Gardens, Willy Street Coop, MSCR, 4H
-Find fiscal agent for the grant
-Contact RWJ Foundation, other funders
-Develop narrative and budget for grant proposals

Voit Farms

Video documentary on history of Voit Farms
-Outline draft proposal for video, theme, content, storyline
-Contact Voit regarding tour, interviewing, shooting video on property
-Assemble production crew
-Contact Katy Sai regarding Storybridge

Develop vision and map of future development
-Brainstorming sessions on what we’d like to see
-Develop rough map of the property
-Contact an architect, developer, others who can “formalize” plan

East Main Gardens expansion

-Contact Steve Rudolph, Mikii, East High Ag teacher
-Soil testing on E. Main
-Survey on block to see who’s using land after 8/15
-Fall garden bed prep, sod removal, spreading compost
-Spring planting plan

Survey of local greenspace and other ag related resources

-Find map of county agricultural land
-Find map of other city/county public greenspace
-Brainstorm on other types of public and private greenspace
-Separate out sensitive greenspace unsuitable for ag uses
-Identify underutilized greenspace for garden expansion
-Identify related storage, production and other facilities

No More Dirty Coal

Close UW dirty coal plants
-Contact Sierra Club and DNR for details of problems
-Develop flyer detailing problems and calling for plant closing
-Organize public meeting on Dirty Coal on campus in September
-Organize march, sit-ins, weekly vigils, rallies on football Saturdays

Pass WI Safe Climate Act
-Contact Rep. Black’s office for new flyer and details
-Organize Eastside neighborhood leaflet or canvass w/ PD and Greens
-Organize rally and other actions
-Mobilize statewide contacts to push for passage

Moratorium on new coal plants in WI
-Contact PSC for info on proposals for new plants
-Organize Citizen’s Commission meeting in August or September
-Develop call for statewide moratorium
-Prevent new plants through legal action, protests, etc.

Renewable wood pellet power from WI forests
-Contact Intervale for info on their power plant
-Develop letter to other groups and flyer
-Organize publicity stunt or event to get media attention

Powerdown Transition Plans

No new power lines
-Letters to the editor calling for reducing energy use not expanding capacity
-Develop flyer on same
-Protests outside PSC hearings and meetings
-Research ATC’s efforts to encourage conservation
-Compute # of solar inter-tie systems for cost of new lines

City and County transition plans
-Draft letters to the Mayor and County Exec asking for plan details
-Draft letters to County Board and City Council members
-Find supporters in each district to contact Board and Council members
-Research and compile examples to forward to above

City wide conservation campaign
-Review existing outreach efforts
-Press Mayor and County Exec to call on citizens to conserve
-Work with WICCC to do faith community campaign

Distributed generation at schools, community centers, local businesses
-Select initial centers for project
-Contact initial centers to determine interest and needs
-Contact installers to get estimates
-Initiate fundraising program to facilitate installations

Education and Outreach

Monthly Meet up and video showing
-Scheduling and reservations
-Posters and flyering
-PSAs and other media work
-Meet up content and facilitation

Work team meetings
-Scheduling and reservations

Student and Youth recruitment
-Tabling on Library Mall during Welcome Week
-Form registered student organization
-No dirty coal activities
-Video showings on campus
-Outreach to existing student forces like WISPIRG, Students for Sustainable Ag

General outreach and publicity

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